Collection: Clearance

We treat every single item in our store with love and respect. Unfortunately, there are times when mishaps happen or some of our items come to us with flaws. We are unable to mail them out to you at retail price.

However, these are lovely products that still can be put to great use so we don't really want them to go to waste either, hence the special price! They are gentler on your budget but are still very lovable. They are eagerly waiting to be included in your next project! Give them a chance and you will find that they are worth every penny!

Please take note of some of the possible flaws:

  • stains on the exposed part of the vinyl rolls
  • dirt that can probably be washed off
  • colour is not quite like the original but still very beautiful
  • scratches

Please select these products only if you have it in your heart to love them in spite of their flaws. Refunds will not be accepted unless they have bigger flaws that went undetected by us.

Also included in this group are designs that have stayed with us for a wee bit too long and they are getting restless, hoping for an opportunity to shine in your next project.

If you would like to clarify on the condition of the clearance item, please feel free to reach out to us at